A Utah Regulatory Sandbox Entity
In February 2021, the Certified Advocate Partners Program (CAPP) was authorized by the Utah Supreme Court to operate within the Utah Regulatory Sandbox. In this program, Advocates are able to give legal advice on civil protective orders and stalking injunctions in Utah. We provide legal training and, under our direction, advocates provide victims with legal services. They are supervised by our Program Director, Hayley Cousin, and are able to reach out to any TLC attorney for assistance when needed.
We are optimistic that this program will help more victims receive legal protection from their abusers, enabling them time and space to recover and begin the process of moving on to the next step in their lives. We want to enable victims to make informed, empowered decisions that bring them closer to safety and stability.
Below is a complete list of our active Certified Advocates throughout the state. We have listed their geographical service areas, and how to contact the advocate to be screened for services. To receive CAPP services, you must meet the eligibility requirements of the advocate's agency, not the requirements of Timpanogos Legal Center. Questions can be directed to advocates or to Hayley Cousin at hayley@timplegal.org.
Teresa Allen, Clearfield City
Clearfield City
To be screened for services, contact Teresa Allen directly at teresa.allen@clearfieldcity.org.
Haley Mackelprang, Cedar City, Canyon Creek
Beaver, Garfield, and Iron Counties
To be screened for services, contact Haley directly at haley@canyoncreekservices.org or contact via call/text at 435-383-2068.
Jaden Thomas, Iron County Sheriff’s Office
Serving all law enforcement agencies in Iron County. Those seeking services do not need to be currently working with law enforcement.
To be screened for services, you can reach Jaden directly by calling 435-867-7543 or emailing thomasj@ironcounty.net.
Devin Shakespear, Kane County Attorney's Office
Kane County
To be screened for services, contact Devin at 435-644-5278 or dshakespear@kane.utah.gov.
Claudia Clark, Salt Lake County, Unified Police Department
Natalie Martinez-Priddy, West Valley City Prosecutors’ Office
Salt Lake County
To be screened for services, please contact 801-963-3223 or Natalie.priddy@wvc-ut.gov
Coral Busk, New Horizons Crisis Center, Fillmore
Sevier County
To be screened for services, contact Coral directly at coralb@nhcrisiscenter.org.
Pepe Grimaldo, Peace House
Summit County
Cassie O’Brien, Friends Against Family Violence
Christiana Wagstaff, Utah County Sheriff’s Office
Renee Flitton & Aiza Stevens, Orem Police Department
Orem City
To be screened for services, contact Renee at crflitton@orem.gov or via phone 801-229-7128, or Aiza at astevens@orem.gov or via phone at 801-229-7126.
Kristin Guthrie, Wasatch County
Wasatch County
To be screened for services, contact Kristin directly at kguthrie@wasatch.utah.gov.
Ashley Daniels, YCC Family Crisis Center
Amanda Matthews, Statewide, Cherish Families
Serving clients from polygamous families
Campus Advocate, Utah State University SAAVI Office
Serving current students, staff, and faculty members at all statewide and regional USU campuses. Services are also available to dating and domestic partners and spouses of current USU students, staff, and faculty members.
To be screened for services, contact the USU SAAVI Office at saavi@usu.edu or 435-797-1823 (ext.71823).
Many victims of domestic violence and stalking have limited financial resources, which means that they don't have the ability to retain an attorney to help them with any necessary legal action. However, these victims typically have access to a free victim advocate through a domestic violence service provider or local law enforcement office. These advocates are trained to help victims access services and understand what resources are available to them. Advocates are often the only person who helps victims with protective orders, but they are barred from giving legal advice. This, we believe, results in fewer victims getting the legal protections they are afforded under Utah state law.
We know that these advocates are a tremendous resource, and are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to protective orders. They commonly attend protective order hearings and know a great deal about why orders are or are not awarded and what standards a judge uses to make decisions. But they aren't able to convey this information to clients under current rules, which can result in improper and failed requests for protective orders. This can further discourage victims from taking steps away from abuse.
We want these victims to get the help they need, using the resources they already have access to.
From June 2021 through June 2024, CAPP advocates have assisted 358 clients. In the 327 closed cases, advocates have provided 841 unique services.
Our advocates helped clients seek 225 protective orders. Using their legal training, they were able to achieve high rates of having protective orders awarded for clients. Of the 225 requests, an ex parte order was issued in 205 cases and denied in only 20 cases. In most of the cases where an ex parte order was denied, the CAPP advocate had correctly cautioned the client that they may be unsuccessful, but the client requested to proceed regardless.
In the 205 cases with ex parte orders issued, only 17 clients were denied final orders by the court at the hearing. 118 clients were awarded final protective orders, 39 clients chose to dismiss their request at the hearing (generally because an alternate agreement, typically in a divorce case, was agreed upon), and 31 clients are awaiting their hearing or we are waiting on updated data from their final hearing.
When comparing our outcomes to data provided by the Administrative Office of the Utah State Courts, clients who receive legal services from a CAPP advocate are roughly twice as likely to receive an order than the statewide average.
Our advocates also assisted 102 clients who came to seek help with a protective order and ultimately chose to not pursue a request, either because it was not the right time for their situation or because the advocate was able to advise them that they would be unsuccessful. These are clients who otherwise may have applied for an order and have been denied due to lack of grounds or evidence. We want victims to be able to make informed decisions that will lead them to success, and CAPP helps facilitate that.
Timpanogos Legal Center has a special focus on providing legal services to people in rural areas of Utah, who traditionally have less access to free legal services, compared to people living in urban areas. 77% of clients served through CAPP have lived in rural areas of Utah.
We currently have 16 active CAPP advocates.
If you have questions about our program, including the development of CAPP and information on applying to a future class of advocates, please reach out to Hayley Cousin, Program Director, at hayley@timplegal.org.
Legal Assistance Pilot Program Helps Rural Victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse in Utah by Kristi Eaton, The Daily Yonder
Need help getting a protective order? A new program in Utah makes the process easier by Becky Jacobs, Salt Lake Tribune
Utah's Certified Advocates Partners Program Made Possible by Regulatory Sandbox by Maddie Hosack, IAALS
For more information about the Office of Legal Services Innovation or to file a complaint, please visit the OLSI website.
Regulado por el Corte Suprema de Utah Entidad de Servicios Legales de Utah Oficina de Innovación de Servicios Legales. Para obtener más información o para presentar una queja, por favor visite a utaninnovationsoffice.org.
This service is being provided by an Alternative
Legal Provider (ALP) who is not a lawyer. ALPs are
not subject to the same rules as lawyers.
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Este servicio está siendo proporcionado por un
proveedor legal alternativo (ALP) que no es
abogado. Los ALP no están sujetos a las
mismas reglas que los abogados.
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